Year 7 Science
These are the topics that you will study throughout the year.
1 - September to October
Life processes
Ted-Ed about the history of cell theory.
Specialised cells
Unicellular organisms like bacteria
Looking at solids, liquids and gases
Max Science - solids, liquids and gases
The particle model
Melting and freezing
Video – dropping lava into a pool
More changes of state
Diffusion and Brownian motion
Introduction to forces. Contact and non-contact
Video - Science in action
Stretching and Hooke's law
Free Science lessons - looks at the results
Drag forces and friction
Forces at a distance
Balanced and unbalanced forces
2 - October to December
The human body - Systems
Levels of organisation
Levels of organisation – more difficult
Parts of the lungs
Inhaling and exhaling
The skeleton
Bill Nye - bones 2 min
Scientific eye Movement - contains bones and muscles
The human skeletal system
Joints and muscle pairs
Scientific eye Movement - contains bones and muscles
Bill Nye - Bones and Muscles - 20 min
Have massive muscles
Science in action - Short clip
Scientific eye Movement - contains bones and muscles
Elements, atoms and compounds
Video: Elements and compounds scientific eye
Atoms and the periodic table
The periodic table – Atomic school
Chemical formula
Transmission of sound - Designmate
Sound and energy transfer
Video – the bell jar experiment
Video – explanation of the particles in solids / liquids and gases
The speed of sound
Space shuttle taking off - see how long it takes for the sound to arrive.
Loudness and pitch
Video of waves, how high can you hear?
Detecting sound and the ear
A cockroach in an ear, for no real reason.
Elearnin' - how the ear works
Scientific eye - a little clip in the middle.ipods and ear damage news clip
Echoes and Ultrasound
Ultrasound in bats
Dolphins hunting with ultrasound
An ultrasound baby scan
What is ultrasound?
3 - December to February 2021
The reproductive system
The male reproductive system
Male reproductive organs
Male reproductive system
Fuse school video
Weird reproductive organs in animals
The female reproductive system
Operation ouch – female reproductive system
Female reproductive system animation - 2nd half good
Female reproductive system
The reproductive system
Video animation of pregnancy
Conception to birth
Fertilisation and pregnancy
Pregnancy animation
The menstrual cycle
Scientific Eye Reproduction - start at 4.30 min. Phases of the menstrual cycle
Menstruation animation
Flowers and pollination
Flowers and seed dispersal
Chemical and physical changes
Word equations
Burning fuels
Thermal decompostion
Conservation of mass
Science In Action watch the bit from 6.50-9.10
Scientific Eye watch from 6.30-9.50
Exothermic and Endothermic reactions
Chemical reactions – Science in action
Light travels in straight lines
Scientific eye - seeing the light
Science in action
Brian Cox - Measuring the speed of light
Scientific eye - light and reflection.
Science in action - light and mirrors.
Bill Nye - Light bending and bouncing
GCSE revision
Bill Nye - Light bending and bouncing
The eye
Scientific eye - light and colour
Science in action - colour and refraction
Bill Nye - Light and colour
4 - February to March
Acids and alkalis
Acids and alkalis
A very cheesy acids and alkali rap
Indicators and pH
Friends – the one with the jellyfish
Making salts
Space, the solar system and beyond
The Earth, days and nights
video crash course
The Earth and Seasons
The moon
Explanation of phases of the moon.
The solar system
video: The relative sizes of the planets
How do satellites stay in orbit?
Rosetta and Philae landing on comet
Brian cox – gravity on other planets
Beyond the solar system
Video – the universe is really big.